Data security & data management – how to find the right data platform

Data security & data management – how to find the right data platform

Infrastructure & Cloud Management | 25. August 2022 | 2 min |

Every company has it and every company must protect it: Data. In today’s working world, millions of pieces of data are sent from one place to another, exchanged, processed and stored again. It is extremely important that data is always stored in a secure location and that it is shared safely and securely. After all, you don’t want sensitive company data and documents to fall into the wrong hands.

In this article, you can find out how such a process can be secured and why secure data management is so important.


Data security thanks to the right data platform

It has always been and always will be a key issue: Data security. It is not uncommon for companies to fall victim to so-called ransomware attacks. This involves important company data being “hijacked” and encrypted by hackers and only released again against payment or other demands – if at all.

As this scenario must undoubtedly be avoided, it is extremely important to take care of the security and confidentiality of your own data at the front line. A powerful approach to this is an advanced “File Share & Sync” tool with advanced security and defense features. In such a platform, the above-mentioned threats – if they get into the system at all – are detected and isolated so that the valuable company data is not affected. Ideally, without any impairment of work with company data.


All data in one place – the basis for perfect collaboration

However, data security and protection against malware, hackers and ransomware are only individual aspects when considering and selecting a data platform. The main operational advantages for efficient and effective working today are flexibility in the availability of data, reliability of the platform and simple and uncomplicated usability for users. Of central importance here is the way in which employees can work with the data, how collaboration on the same project data and documents works and that data can be accessed flexibly but securely. Accordingly, a platform is only efficient if, in addition to the criteria of security and data protection, the solution used also addresses work efficiency and flexibility. With the right data platform, not only can employee productivity be increased, but work satisfaction also grows – things that do not always go hand in hand, but which can represent an unbeatable competitive advantage with a smart solution.


Location independence guaranteed by central document management

Working in the office, from home or at the customer’s premises – centralized and secure data access, regardless of the system platform Windows, Mac or smartphone, makes the difference for companies today. Printing out documents can be reduced to an unavoidable minimum, people can work on the current document status from anywhere and it is even possible to collaborate with colleagues on the same document at the same time. Location independence combined with the security of a certified and established platform represent competitive advantages that future-oriented and successful companies already know how to use today.

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We are a powerhouse of IT specialists and support customers with digitalization. Our experts optimize modern workplace, DevOps, security, big data management and cloud solutions as well as end user support. We focus on long-term collaboration and promote the personal development of our employees. Together, we are building a future-proof powerhouse and supporting customers on their path to successful digitalization.


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