What is IT outsourcing and what are the benefits for small and medium-sized companies?
What is IT outsourcing and what are the benefits for small and medium-sized companies?

The requirements for data backup and security that companies face in today’s business world are constantly increasing, not least due to the requirements of the EU GDPR. Many large and internationally active companies have outsourced many of their technical work areas to service providers in recent years. However, small and medium-sized companies in particular are also increasingly opting for IT outsourcing. In this blog post, we will first explain what IT outsourcing is all about and then show you the benefits.
What is IT outsourcing?
Unter Informationstechnologie-Outsourcing (kurz ITO) versteht man die Auslagerung (Betrieb, Verwaltung, Wartung) von Informationstechnologie außerhalb des eigenen Unternehmens. Eine weit verbreitete Form, die in vielen Unternehmen schon lange – bewusst oder unbewusst – Teil von ITO ist, ist der Betrieb von E-Mail-Servern durch einen externen Anbieter. Dies ist jedoch nur eine von vielen Outsourcing-Möglichkeiten. Generell wird zwischen drei Leistungsstufen unterschieden:
- Infrastructure level (infrastructure outsourcing): e.g. server, cloud
- Application level (application outsourcing): e.g. websites, software
- Business process level (business process outsourcing): e.g. accounting, online marketing
Bei accompio haben Sie die Möglichkeit Ihre Technik auf Infrastruktur- und Anwendungsebene auszulagern. We will show you the advantages of this below.
Advantages of IT outsourcing with accompio
You don’t want to make huge investments in expensive room rents, servers, hard disks and maintenance? – No problem! With us, you can avoid high expenses by renting RAM and server capacities individually according to your requirements in our data center located in Germany.
By outsourcing your technological infrastructure, you place important processes such as license and software management in competent and professional hands. However, this does not mean relinquishing control – you can continue to access your data at any time. This significantly reduces your workload, eliminates the need to employ specialist staff within your company and allows you to concentrate on your core business.
However, we are not only responsible for the procurement, operation and maintenance of server structures. You also don’t have to worry about or pay for the purchase of new equipment.
You rent a locker (server) in our school (in our computer center) and can store your books, folders and notebooks (data) there. To protect your documents (data) in the best possible way and to ensure that only you have access to them, we hang a secure lock in front of your locker. If it needs repainting (maintenance), the school (we) will take care of it, not you.
Our data center and services are ISO 9001:2015 (quality management) and ISO/IEC 27001:2015 (information security management) certified and meet the highest data protection requirements. We have many years of experience and a high level of expertise and can therefore provide you with the best possible advice to offer you the right technologies and solutions.
We also attach great importance to guaranteeing high availability. Thanks to the redundant structure of our systems, we ensure that you are always operational and can continue to work even in an emergency.
Our IT outsourcing offer is very attractive from an economic perspective, and not just because of the investment savings. The high transparency of ongoing costs also gives you long-term planning security. And best of all: you only pay for what you need!
About us
We are a powerhouse of IT specialists and support customers with digitalization. Our experts optimize modern workplace, DevOps, security, big data management and cloud solutions as well as end user support. We focus on long-term collaboration and promote the personal development of our employees. Together, we are building a future-proof powerhouse and supporting customers on their path to successful digitalization.