IT outsourcing – a smart solution for small and medium-sized companies
IT outsourcing – a smart solution for small and medium-sized companies

Everyone needs IT – but not everyone is an expert
Information technology is omnipresent and indispensable in today’s business world. Whether it’s a high-tech IT company or a scaffolding company – whether small or large – every company today works digitally in some way.
However, not everyone has the knowledge or the human and financial resources to cope competently with the ever-increasing technical and security-related framework conditions on an ongoing basis.
The requirements for data backup and security that companies face in today’s business world are constantly increasing, not least due to the requirements of the EU GDPR. Small and medium-sized companies in particular therefore often decide to outsource their IT-related issues and challenges to a professional service provider. In this blog post, we first explain what IT outsourcing is all about and then show how a company can benefit from it.
What is IT outsourcing?
Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO for short) is the outsourcing (operation, administration, maintenance) of information technology to an external service provider. A widespread form that has long been part of “ITO” in many companies – consciously or unconsciously – is the operation of email servers by an external provider. However, this is only one of a wide range of outsourcing options. In general, a distinction is made between three levels of service:
- Infrastructure level (infrastructure outsourcing): e.g. server, cloud
- Application level (application outsourcing): e.g. websites, software
- Business process level (business process outsourcing): e.g. accounting, online marketing
For whom does outsourcing actually make sense?
In principle, companies of any industry and size can benefit from outsourcing IT or individual tasks. IT outsourcing is particularly recommended and worthwhile for the following sectors and types of company:
- for smaller companies that cannot employ specialized personnel
- for founders who want to keep the investment risk low
- in sectors where market developments are difficult to predict
- for high data security requirements
With accompio, you have the option of outsourcing your technology at infrastructure and application level.
Hand over your data to avoid handing over your data!
This may sound paradoxical at first, but on closer inspection it makes sense. You place the responsibility of looking after your data in “external”, yet trustworthy, professional hands and thereby protect yourself from your data – sooner or later – falling into actually foreign and “malicious” hands.
However, outsourcing your technological infrastructure (or certain parts and processes) does not mean relinquishing control – you can still access your data at any time. However, you can concentrate on your own core competencies and day-to-day business. This also eliminates the need for expensive room rental, servers, hard disks and maintenance. You can hand over important processes such as license and software management to experienced experts, thereby increasing the security of your data and saving money at the same time through professional asset management. Which services are outsourced and which remain in the company can be agreed individually and depends on the respective framework conditions and requirements.
About us
We are a powerhouse of IT specialists and support customers with digitalization. Our experts optimize modern workplace, DevOps, security, big data management and cloud solutions as well as end user support. We focus on long-term collaboration and promote the personal development of our employees. Together, we are building a future-proof powerhouse and supporting customers on their path to successful digitalization.