Current trends at the accompio IT Expert Day
Current trends at the accompio IT Expert Day
8. February 2024

Current trends at the accompio IT Expert Day
8. Februar 2024, 12.00 Uhr in der Alten Mensa am Göttinger Wilhelmsplatz. Alle Vorbereitungen sind abgeschlossen, die Teilnehmenden und Referenten sind anwesend – der accompio IT Expert Day konnte starten.
Unter dem Motto „get IT ready for future“ lud die accompio Unternehmensgruppe IT-Verantwortliche aus verschiedensten Unternehmen und Branchen ein, um sich über die aktuellen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen der Branche auszutauschen. Die Alte Mensa am Göttinger Wilhelmsplatz bot dafür den idealen Rahmen – ein Ort voller Geschichte, der nun zur Bühne für Expertenvorträge mit Weitblick wurde.
Die gesamte Expertise der accompio an einem Ort
Die Agenda war randvoll mit hochkarätigen Vorträgen und spannenden Diskussionen. Experten aus verschiedenen Bereichen teilten ihr Fachwissen zu Themen wie IT-Security, Digital Workplace, Cloud und Backup, sowie Automatisierung und Monitoring. Mit diesem maßgeschneiderten Programm in zwei parallelen Tracks präsentierte sich die accompio erstmalig auf einem eigenen Event mit ihrem breiten Leistungsportfolio aus den Kerngebieten Modern Workplace, IT-Security, Infrastructure & Cloud Management sowie DevOps Consulting.
After the welcome by the managing directors of accompio, the experts from the companies of the group started with their presentations. In his presentation, Christoph Richter from proficom GmbH answered the question of why application monitoring should not be dispensed with. At the same time, Patrick Latus from mod IT Services GmbH started with the hacking of his OT system.
Sebastian Brabetz (mod IT Services GmbH), together with Charlie Peteler from Pentera, looked at security validation as the heart of exposure management. Stefan Schröder gave an insight into the accompio tool BACKUP EAGLE® and explained how backup audit requirements for NIS-2 and ISO 27001 can be successfully automated.
During the breaks, participants were able to network with each other, engage in lively conversation and discuss the content of the presentations with the speakers. After all, we are firmly convinced that innovation and progress can only come about through exchange.
In the following slot, Gregor Hooper and Mike Junghanns (both proficom GmbH) took the participants on a journey from zero to automation and used a specific customer example to show how an automation solution is set up. At the same time, Sebastian Heise from mod IT Services GmbH and Vitus Zeller from Fortinet looked to the future and presented SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) as a real alternative to VPN.
In the final presentation slot, Andreas Berthold (Services4-IT) provided insights into nearshoring solutions. He specifically addressed the case of how the company, as part of the accompio group of companies, can offer fast solutions for end customers using Hungarian specialists. Meanwhile, participants heard Felix Zöbisch from be-solutions GmbH discuss whether the NIS2 directive is a curse or a blessing for cyber security.
The IT Expert Day was framed by the demo stands of our three event sponsors. Tenable, Pentera and Fortinet were each represented as partners with a stand and presented their portfolio.
Outlook to joint projects and the next event
The day ended with a joint dinner, where the relaxed networking atmosphere continued seamlessly. It was not uncommon to hear conversations at the tables about joint solutions based on the expertise from the day’s presentations.
It was great to see how the participants and accompio experts came together as a community to shape the future of IT together. We are already looking forward to the next IT Expert Day and to solving the challenges in your company with our solutions in the meantime.
About us
We are a powerhouse of IT specialists and support customers with digitalization. Our experts optimize modern workplace, DevOps, security, big data management and cloud solutions as well as end user support. We focus on long-term collaboration and promote the personal development of our employees. Together, we are building a future-proof powerhouse and supporting customers on their path to successful digitalization.