Check PCs automatically using a checklist

Check PCs automatically using a checklist

Modern Workplace, Technical articles | 12. January 2021 | 4 min |

Check PCs automatically using a checklist

The administration of PCs and laptops is time-consuming and cost-intensive – whether during rollout or during operation. An automated PC checklist can help here.

Massenweise Notebooks in kürzester Zeit fit fürs Homeoffice machen – mit dieser Herausforderung sehen sich während der Pandemie viele Unternehmen konfrontiert. Das Systemhaus accompio setzt hierzu eine selbstentwickelte, automatisierte PC-Checkliste ein.

Hier fehlt ein passender Treiber, dort ist ein benötigtes Update nicht installiert – gerade in Corona-Zeiten sind die IT-Abteilungen gefordert. Nicht nur, dass viele Rechner remote administriert werden müssen, zeitgleich sind angesichts immer neuer Lockdowns und öffentlicher Appelle, doch von zuhause aus zu arbeiten, viele Kollegen mit neuer Hardware zu versorgen.

Dabei sollte bei der Installation von Computern heutzutage eigentlich nichts mehr schiefgehen. IT-Techniker können dies mit hauseigenen Managementlösungen nach einem vorgegebenen Standard mit nur wenigen Klicks erledigen – Stichwort IT Service Automation. Aber was ist, wenn doch etwas fehlt? Das sollte in der anschließenden Abnahmeprüfung des Systems entdeckt werden. Diese findet allerdings meist noch mit Stift und Papier statt. Eine Methode, bei der leicht etwas übersehen werden kann. Und dann wird womöglich ein Rechner ohne aktualisierten Virenschutz oder mit einem fehlenden Treiber beim Anwender ausgeliefert. Um dies zu vermeiden, entwickelte das Systemhaus accompio eine automatisierte PC-Checkliste, die die Rechner darauf hin überprüft.

Home office security: checklist with benefits

The company from Lower Saxony decided to develop their own checklist as they could not find a product on the market that met their requirements. The checklist was developed further and further over the years. In the beginning, it was a small batch script that called up a few commands, checked values in the registry and then returned an OK or FAILED. As more and more detailed checks and a graphical output were added, the checklist was later developed further on the basis of PowerShell. The latest version, which is currently under development, is now being created in C#.

“What you can do with a click, you can also do automatically. In the past, every device had to be checked manually by a technician. Everything was then ticked off on paper on a previously created checklist and then filed away for documentation.”

– Sven Hammer
(IT system consultant accompio)

“In the case of a new installation or an update that is carried out automatically on a large number of PCs, the time when the installation should be completed is defined for each computer so that the automatic checklist can check after a previously defined time window whether everything has run properly and everything has now been installed correctly.”

– Sven Hammer
(IT system consultant accompio)

Even if the checklist is run centrally, it checks each computer individually. If everything is OK, the corresponding message is sent out and the PC can be used or delivered. If something is wrong, there is also a corresponding message and an automatic ticket is created for the IT technician and sent to them using a mail robot, for example. The results can also be stored locally or on a file share.

“We implement the automated PC checklist for our customers within half a day. So far, we have worked with systems from HP, Lenovo and Dell.”

– Sven Hammer
(IT system consultant accompio)

The tool is always supplied as part of a rollout. If the users wish, the tool remains with them so that they can check their PCs at regular intervals.

The accompio range is constantly being expanded and adapted to the needs of users. It is also possible to imagine licensing the automated PC checklist to users who are not direct customers of the system house.

PC checklist for working from home: what is checked

Current system information

  • System name
  • Manufacturer and model
  • ServiceTag
  • Bios version
  • Operating system and version
  • Domain
  • Local administrative accounts
  • Network card settings

Specified frame parameters

  • Missing device driver
  • Graphics card (dedicated driver or Windows standard)
  • Virus scanner (currently supported: McAfee, TrendMicro, Windows Defender)
  • Bios version (currently supported: DELL, HP)
  • Bios settings (currently supported: DELL, HP)
  • Secureboot
  • Encryption status (BitLocker)
  • Application of the group policies
  • Office applications (currently supported: Office 365 and Office 2016)
  • Software packages (currently supported: Matrix42 Empirum)
  • Comparison and evaluation of the existing ACTUAL values with the TARGET values

Source: Homeoffice Security: PCs automatisch per Checkliste prüfen –

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