
IT company in Sofia

IT company in Sofia

Our only location in Bulgaria is in the center of the Bulgarian capital Sofia. We can also offer our IT services in this city of millions and the country's main economic center, which is also known for its IT focus.

Location Sofia

IT services from Sofia

accompio is an IT group with a mission to form a powerhouse of successful specialists that opens up new perspectives for our customers and employees. Find out more about our location in the Bulgarian capital Sofia and the professional expertise on site.

Your contact for IT services in Sofia

c/o r-tec IT Security GmbH
Prof. Fridtjof Nansen 25-B
1142 Sofia

Your contact for IT services in Sofia

c/o r-tec IT Security GmbH
Prof. Fridtjof Nansen 25-B
1142 Sofia

Prof. Fridtjof Nansen 25-B
1142 Sofia

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